07412327211 megan@savvy-va.com
How Do You Keep Sane When You Are A Freelancer?

How Do You Keep Sane When You Are A Freelancer?

Being freelance/self-employed/a small business owner can be hard. Days can go by without speaking to someone outside of your immediate family.  Or your social interactions are limited to Zoom and some meaningless chit chat on the school run. Many people who start out...
Why Your Business Needs A Membership Community

Why Your Business Needs A Membership Community

Membership communities are a guaranteed way to continue to build trust and encourage loyalty with your customers – even once their experience with your group training or programme is over! They provide your audience with a sense of belongingness, exclusiveness and the...
3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Terms And Conditions

3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Terms And Conditions

When starting your own business, there’s a never-ending list of decisions to make and tasks to complete. Deciding on your product/service, designing your brand, and finding customers, are the jobs that often take priority. The less interesting elements of business,...